lunedì 11 luglio 2022

The real story of Patrick Winningoes-9

- “After so many  experiments and such a meditation, I definitely decided to make the big footstep. I would  inject the “nouchefalon” of a man in the brain of another being of the same kind. The basic job was entirely developed. The premises seemed to be straight very good: all the similar experiments on the other animals had been conducive to improvement.

So the dogs, since the first injections of canine “nouchefalon”, improved their smell, their strength and the whole psycho-physical complex sensitively descending from the brain. The same can be said for the cats; made object of analogous experiment, they became more agile, stronger and more cunning. And the same had still happened with the mice.

You can of course imagine, what such an emotion I felt when I injected those drops that were deposed on the fund of the test-tube, to a guinea-pig.


The result was amazing, greater and more meaningful than I had been able to foresee myself. The mouse, a normal mouse of averages age and greatness, after spending twelve hours asleep, wakened up again. Apparently he seemed to be the same as before the injection, but actually he moved in a different manner however.  He had, in a few words, a different air. He slowly started walking and moving its tail upwards, in a way quite unusually for a mouse; furthermore he sniffed and smelled the air and the ground of the cage. And I was much more surprised when I saw him stretching its legs towards and backwards and, curving the backbone up, forming a tall hunch. Its limbs still looked like those of a mouse, but they behaved as belonged to a cat! That was the exceptional result!


The animal seemed restless and took on turning around the cage with his feline behavior. He was surely looking for some food. I gave him his usual mice food but after he had smelled it for a long time, he started over turning around visibly more nervous and hungrier. I opened a cat tin food and with my great surprise he devoured that meal in a flash.  He grew up constantly in the following days, assuming a double massive structure compared to the same aged of his own race, then his growth seemed to halt. His epidermis had not suffered either big mutations; nor the bony structure, at least externally, showed to have acquired any peculiar characters, except for the moustaches and the legs, that seemed to have changed for a most congenial use to cat’s needing. In the movements and in the external behavior he moved as a cat though having the semblances of a mouse.


A serious question had bothered me since the first days of the experiment: how would that animal relate with another mice? And how would other cats relate with him? In his more inner instinct had he become a cat or he had remained a mouse?  With much trepidation I moved him to captivity with other mice: they started to squeak very afraid; it was evident that those small rodents had immediately warned the hostile presence.


He had a good time pursuing them and grabbing them as cats make with mice, and at long, exhausted and satisfied, he rested quietly on a side of the big cage, while the little mice, remained farther all afraid and trembling.

He didn't show any interest to pursue them, more than in that joking way, perhaps because he was not hungry or even because something inside prevented him from doing it. The thing, after all, didn't interest me and I transferred him afterwards with a real cat, and also there the success arose to me: they behaved as two bosom and jovial friends. It was clear, at that point, that the cells of the “nouchefalon” were reversing: they were able, that is it, to be reduced from the normal organic state to a synthesis, through thermal process, and from this state, be brought again to the aboriginal state continuing on developing their natural function.

Of course to subtract some dogs to the amusement of selfish and insensitive masters or the cats to their miserable existence of sterilized animals and foolish by the stupidity of their masters, repulsed a great deal less than to deprive a family, a man or a woman from the affection of a beloved face.
But finally, this was what the fate wanted me, and the ideal night at long finally came, for me and for the world, resolving me to the action!

I set out toward the poor districts of the city, immediately encouraged by the full smile of the moon. There, where people mostly suffered, I would have found easier to get what I needed and consume the necessary holocaust for the ransom of the humanity. I didn't have any idea how to manage the whole thing, but I had a great trust inside of me. I advanced in the miserable roads and wandered for a long time, without destination. After so much to wander, when I already thought about abdicating, some cries attracted my attention: two men quarreled, at the very bottom of an alley, between cans full of garbage.

I decided immediately to follow unmolested the scene. Words gave soon places to  knives as in facts they appeared in their hands. The fastest and most fortunate succeeded on splitting the stomach of the adversary. It was enough: I run toward the two men. The hurter was just more than a boy, and now was standing, in despair, with the knife, still tightened in his fist. I could see it reddish at the light of the moon.


- «Quick»–I howled him. – «I am a physician, just help me! I have nearby the car: we will bring him home and try to save him».


- "I drove like a crazy man through the desert roads. I was a physician and my duty was to try to save that young life from death.

Though having already appraised the gravity of his wounds, I felt inside that the hoarse man, in the back of my car, was the victim designated by the destiny for the beginning of the big experiment that would have transformed the world and the history of the man. Don't look with mercilessness's eyes at me, my friends, for these words I have told you.

The life of a man is worthless in the mysterious, spinning wheels of the Cosmos. Nobody in the world dies by random, yet hundreds and thousands of deaths a day, leave unchanged the course of the humanity. Somehow, I have anticipated and studied for all my life, because this course was completed in the right way. And though I was ready to do anything in order to accomplish with my programs, I was exempted to committee the most atrocious of crimes: the Fate itself killed for me, through the irresponsible hand of an outcast young man.” Mr Winningoes kept silent for a long an instant, maybe finding a confirm in our eyes to the sentiments he had expressed.

I took advantage of that further pause to immerse myself in my most recent memories 

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