venerdì 15 luglio 2022

The real story of Patrick Winningoes-13

- «The rest of the story, my friends, makes a sole contest with now day's circumstances, even if it is made of a long and twisted thread. I left soon after Ireland, where nothing more held me back, and I returned again to my studies, once more in the United States of America, eager to undertake my studies again.

At the beginning I didn't have a precise plan. I threw myself in the direction which had been showed to me by the two American researchers who had succeeded isolating the DNA, subject in which I was already however enough advanced, connecting such new events to my former studies on ‘nouchefalon ', always maintaining them to a level of theoretical study.

In those same years, another big frontier of knowledge was opening to human science: the Artificial Intelligence! At first vaguely, then with increasing insistence and precision, the creation of mechanical machines, prognosticated able to think, such intelligent to replace men in the most complexes and difficult duties advanced in the programs of science and industry.

In that field my theoretical studies would have been aimed in order to find practice application. For my mind, even if tired and exploited, it was not difficult to acquire that new ulterior branches on science. It was even easier for me than for other researchers, because my study didn't know neither distractions, nor conditionings of any kind.

It was a new radiant youth which drove me in that marvelous meander, to the discovery of unexpected, admirable horizons. I can't certainly explain to you, here, in a few words, all the passages of my complex program, that foresaw new tests and new studies. You must know however that I had conceived to build a machine, intelligent and perfect, able not only to analyze, to deduce, to synthesize; what would have set it, however, higher than the most actual and advanced generations of computers, but also able to reproduce living beings to itself alike. I prompted a technique of laboratory able to allow the endless duplication of the DNA.

Then, admitting and developing these duplicates of cell, I would have been possible to procreate and to produce the perfect, infallible, invincible masters of the future world, destined to put an end to every war and every violence in our sick planet. And when in this I had succeeded, I would have into my hands the opening key of the door that conducts to a New History of Manhood on Earth!.»


As a  matter of fact the story of Mr Winningoes was almost at the end. Or it seemed to be so, at least at that moment.

He had finished his discourse, assuming that thrilling, prophetic attitude, as he were a priest, or a messiah, a leader for the humanity in need to be saved by him.

Once more he had stopped with his forefinger, thin and long, pointed out somewhere in the Universe, may be addressing the remote origin of his supreme agents, stiffening in the whole person, with his eyes like popping out of his head, immovable as a statue.
He recovered quite soon from his sudden, provisional coma and repurchased the mobility of the eyes and the limbs. He took a look around, like a man coming from another world who wants to understand the place where an invisible spatial ship had let him shipwrecked.

I recalled in to my mind, just then, as a flash-back, an old companion of my infant games who suffered of epilepsy. At times, in the very middle of the action, suddenly he was caught by a crisis’s peak. He stared then fixed, with an horrid expression in his face, for some endless seconds.
And when he recovered himself and took back the game exactly from where he had left, as if nothing had happened.

Or this strange attitude had something to do on what had discovered in his garden just few hours ago?









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