mercoledì 20 luglio 2022

The real story of Patrick Winningoes-14


Apart the “Helianthus”, which I recognize as common sunflowers, the other plants, as I noticed nearby, had some oblong leaves. At the base of the trunk they were palms of five, increasing to the top, in groups of seven, nine, eleven and also thirteen. Some of them, those of the tallest plants, had besides, some bosoms that surely contained, the seeds necessary for reproduction.

- «Do You like them?» - I heard Mr Winningoes asking while I was absorbed making such considerations.

«- Yes, certainly» - I returned indifferently, extracting some seeds from a sunflower and showing to an amused and surprised Mr Winningoes that they could be eaten just cracking them on the tip and extracting their inner pulp.

-« They grow up spontaneously, every year. My gardener and I take care of them, polishing up the ground, and, only when the plants are dry, watering them a little. I believe they have been installed by the precedents owners and I decided to maintain them. Don't you find they are beautiful indeed?»

- «Oh yes, they certainly are»- George responded with emphasis, while my heart was beating strong for the emotion.

- «My Jesus, George! There ‘s a lot of good, green grass here! Do you realize that ?»

-«Shhhhhh» - George hissed, turning slightly to me with his forefinger crossed on the lips, preventing me to show my enthusiasm for that so much pleasant, as much more unexpected discovery, while our guest was preceding us back toward the main entry.

In fact we emerged from the opposite side of the atrium. After taking our bags back, we followed Mr. Winningoes inside the residence. We immediately were in an ample saloon and in front of the entry it was beheld a wide ramp of staircases that finished at the feet of a stumpy wood door whose sides departed two long corridors. The inside subdivision faithfully followed evidently the external structure of the house.

- «I’ll give you the rooms on the right side of the house”–he said taking the corridor in that direction - “because they get the sun, in the morning, and I think that it’s wonderful to wake with the sun. Don't you agree with me?»

-« Yes, yes! Of course we do» - I answered, thinking I would be closer to “my” dear plants.

-« Think however like being at your own place» –he said opening the door and preceding us inside the room. «Just one more thing»- he added turning his heels - «in front of you there is the bathroom; refresh and put yourselves easier. In a hour I will call you for lunch»-. He cordially greeted and, closing the door on his shoulders, left us eventually alone.
The room was ample and sunny. On the right there were two single beds, separated by two bedsides table, each one beholding one night lamps and a tray, with a cruet and a glass of water.
We took a seat on the bed and we looked into each other’s eyes for a long while. George wanted to say something, but he looked quietly like a fish in a ball, moving silently his mouth.

Finally he said: - «How is this place called? We are not in London certainly; have you seen that sun, out there?.»

-«As far as I know we are in the south of Thames river and the place is called Heavengate.. or something like that…»

- «No, I didn't mean that! To say the south of Thames river it ‘s like to say the south of the equator” – he interrupted me in a nervous tone of voice-” You can remember the way we have been through, can’t you?»-.

- «Hay, George »- I returned in the same tone - “you were sleeping all the way long and you’re asking me now what way we have been routing through!!!

- “I’m sorry, I’m very sorry “- he replied to me in a peaceful voice, moving up to the curtains of the window.

- «I only remember that we have passed through Kingston. Yes, the last place that I remember is just Kingston »I -said striving myself to remember - “then I felt sleepy myself too.”

-” Good Lord! “he cried coming back to sit on the bed desolately.

- Could you tell me please what’s wrong with you George? We slept on the way to Heavengate, and then? What’s the matter? Now, at lunch, we ask directly to Mr Winningoes about everything we need to know and we will see what’s better for us to do! Don’t you think we can?” - .

- «I don't even know myself what’s going on. It’s all so strange to me, in this story...»- .

-« Just tell me where is the strangeness you see?» - I did reassuring him-. “There is not really nothing strange. On the other hand if we don't like the story, we can always leave off, can’t we? “

- “You do really think that we can leave off anyway? I’m not so sure…“- He replied polemically .

- “But do you realize that there is here a plantation of marihuana just down here? Come and have a look outside” -. He said going to the window and removing the window’s curtain again…

- “Ah yes, it ‘s true! “- I exclaimed joyful - With these vain discourses it went out of my mind. And you are not happy? Do you realize it? The man here, lives on the moon. He surely knows the Latin names, but he doesn't know the better use of it. Furthermore he has told us we can make as if were at home. Do you know what I would do, if I were at home with all that good grass down there? “-

But my enthusiasm didn't seem to bend him on my side. He released the edge of the curtain and after having a cigarette lit up, in a cloud of smoke, he said with much impetus: - “How can you be so happy ? If the police comes over here, what would we say to them? That we know we are on the south of Father Thames? That we fallen asleep in Kingston and similar bull shit? And you think that they would believe us? Do you want to know what happens to you, instead? They bring you straight way to the royal prison at Brixton, close you in a cell and throw its key in the very deep of the sea. That’s what happens to you!” -.

- “Be quiet, please! First of all we are in England, and this is a civilized country and not some kind of a banana’s republic . No one can’t be arrested without criminal evidence. Secondly, why would we have to think about the worse? Perhaps the man, out there, does look like someone concealed or involved in police’s affairs? “-.

- “And why not? May be he is a great dealer who wants to involve us in his illegal traffics! Have not you formerly heard him, speaking of landings by some private airplanes? “ -.

- “A dealer? But what kind of dealer are you talking about?! Do you also start making the moralist, now? It sounds as you were my father speaking! I tell you, instead, that our presence, here at Heavengate, doesn't have anything to do with those plants! And you will see either I am right or wrong . The old one has not even planted them. Either is a smart the gardener or those plants grow up by natural insemination. For what regards the police, you can even be safer: Mr Winningoes is a very rich landlord and here, in England, landlords and rich people are not supposed to be in trouble with the police” -.

“However it is, you will also have to admit that all the circumstances make evidence of somewhat dark and incomprehensible” -.

“ Would you please show me exactly what do you see dark and incomprehensible on this story?”

“And do you wonder it? We don't even know where we are and what the hell we have come here for, though we had an income of 100 pounds God only knows to make what job for!!!. And for you everything it is clear?

- “Have you forgotten that we are in London, by chance? And you wonder that there is someone who gives an advance of 100 miserable pounds in a city where a pair of boots for hunting the fox do cost, at least, £ 700, I say, seven hundred pounds?! Let's go! Come on! It might also be that the old Winningoes is some weak brainless! And what’s wrong with this? Sooner or later he will have to tell us what does it suit him? We will perform our job, do what we owe to do, he pays us for it, and well enough! Provided that he pays well, because also here in London, if you don't have money, you are a bull shit, worth less than a nothing “. -

- “Still if all this is dealt with a regular and honest job!! Till now I have only heard of everything less than a job. I’m asking myself why has he brought us here? Could not he tell us in the agency what he has drawn for us? All these mysteries, these strangeness, make me suspicious. I cannot feel calm and sure, do you understand me? “-.

- “Hay! I can also admit that not everything has gone as it normally goes. However, can you explain to me which reason for things should always go in a damned, banal and normal way? Do we also want to reduce life to a rigid and predetermined theatrical script where everything has already been written and established?” -.

He fixed me with an intense and deep look. I knew I had touched a key which his mind was sensitive to. I sustained his look, strong of my reasons, until he didn't seem defeated. Then I took back, in persuasive tone, sitting him nearby:

- “Perhaps we have not realized that we are living through an adventure of those that we have always desired to live. Why shall we ruined all on the base of simple conjectures? Or even for fear? Let’s abandon ourselves to the course of the events, without thinking too much of it. I feel that we are crossing a sure path, a correct path, a path that has a heart!” - .

He stood up again and, lighting a cigarette, passed his right hand on his hair. It was his own way of reflecting in the critical moments before undertaken an important decision.

- “We will discover, while crossing it, if really has got it” – he finally said. And, taking his bag, he went out to the bathroom.

When, later, Mr. Winningoes knocked discreetly at our door, we had taken a little rest and were ready for lunch.

After lunch, when already satiated, we lazily plucked with some little, ivory handled forks in a cup of tasty and colored fruit salad, Mr Winningoes, after having attracted our attention clearing by more resumptions his throat, told us he was ready to finish his own story.

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